Multiple missing teeth can be replaced with dental implant treatment. This also supports and improves your long-term oral health. Dr. Anil Chauhan has advanced training and years of experience in implant dentistry. He offers expert care for your smile with full services for dental implants and sedation options for your comfort.
A dental bridge or a partial denture is the traditional option for replacing several consecutive lost or missing teeth. Both are typically anchored by two healthy teeth that are often strengthened with dental crowns. While a dental bridge or partial denture can effectively replace your lost teeth, it can require daily maintenance and also affects the health of the anchor teeth.
Dr. Anil Chauhan, the best dentist in Indore, often recommends an implant-supported dental bridge that is permanent and offers a secure result. An implant-supported bridge will function like your natural teeth and last a lifetime with proper dental care. This option also provides important benefits for your quality of life and overall oral health:
Multiple missing teeth can be restored with dental implant treatment in the same way as a single missing tooth dental implant. Unlike removable items like dentures, implant-supported teeth are permanently placed in the mouth. They don’t crackle or click, and you won’t have to worry about them moving or falling out when speaking, eating, or doing other activities.
In dentistry, dental implants for multiple missing teeth are the gold standard for restoring several lost teeth. You may be familiar with one or more of the following dental concerns if you have some missing or badly damaged teeth:
Difficulty chewing food: Chewing food can be difficult and painful when some teeth are missing from your mouth.
Avoidance of talking or smiling: When losing teeth in important areas in the mouth, people typically fear speaking or smiling in public.
Bone loss: When teeth are lost from the mouth, the body attempts to repair itself spontaneously. Unfortunately, bone resorption occurs as a result of this normal healing process.
Shifting of adjacent teeth: Because of the shifting of teeth as a result of several missing teeth, normally healthy nearby teeth might be severely damaged.
Several visits to the dentist are usually required for this treatment. You should be able to return to work the next day after the implant is placed.
1: Before the procedure
To prepare for the treatment, the dentist does a preliminary examination and obtains one or more x-rays of the region.
2: Installing the implant
To replace the roots, titanium tooth implant bases are inserted into the jawbone. Before fitting for a crown, we let the jawbone heal over the bases for a length of time.
3: Attaching the new crown
The abutments are connected to the dental implants once they have healed. These components are used to hold custom-made ceramic crowns that are molded and matched to your existing teeth at a dental laboratory.
4: End result
Finally, custom-made crowns are mounted to the tooth implant abutments and operate as a natural tooth.
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