Wisdom Teeth Removal

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What are wisdom teeth?

The wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the final to emerge. They generally appear in adulthood. Even in late adulthood, though, eruptions are not uncommon. They can be proven to be an asset if they explode smoothly and without interruption. However, the issue with third molars is that they must be removed if they do not erupt correctly or are misplaced. They might harm the neighboring teeth if they are not properly positioned.

Why does wisdom teeth removal occur?

Wisdom teeth removal is not necessary if they are not creating any problems. If they are obstructing or creating congestion, they must be removed. The wisdom tooth will become impacted if it is not removed. Because there isn’t enough room in your mouth for it to erupt, it will emerge at an incorrect angle, perhaps damaging the adjacent tooth

wisdom tooth removal

What problems can a wisdom tooth cause?

It’s also possible that one of your wisdom teeth has been impacted. The wisdom teeth stay intact in the soft tissue and partially break or erupt through the gums in this way. If they stay partly open, germs have a greater risk of invading the tooth, causing infection, swelling in the jaw, discomfort, and overall sickness. That’s why wisdom tooth removal takes place.

Brushing and flossing will be difficult due to the jaw’s misalignment, rendering the tooth vulnerable to decay and gum disease.

Each upper and lower jaw has two sets of wisdom teeth.

People nowadays seldom acquire wisdom teeth as a result of lifestyle changes. This is due to a lack of full and appropriate jaw development, which prevents wisdom teeth from erupting.

Symptoms of wisdom tooth removal

  • Pain and stiffness in the jaw
  • Wisdom teeth can also cause foul breath and an unpleasant taste.
  • Infection can be caused by redness, swelling, and discomfort.
  • Pain behind the molar might get worse with time.

Wisdom tooth extraction cost
Tooth removal involves multiple procedures hence cost varies from case to case. But we assure you that we provide the best wisdom tooth extraction hospital in Indore. At Chauhans Dental Studio, wisdom tooth removal is completely safe. You can know our wisdom tooth extraction cost by calling us or by booking an appointment: https://chauhansdentalstudio.com

Wisdom Tooth Extraction recovery takes between three and five days. It is common to experience some bleeding around the area prior to the procedure being completed. The minor bleeding following extraction will cease within about 24 hours. Once the effects of anesthesia is gone, there may be stiffness in the jaw, problems opening the mouth, and a bit of discomfort. The prescription of antibiotics and painkillers is for postoperative discomfort and symptoms. The patient is advised to consume soft food for a couple of days and stay away from spicy food, tobacco as well as alcohol, and exercise vigorously within three to four days following the procedure. In the aftermath of wisdom tooth removal,, one should avoid smoking since smoking can slow the healing process. The best method to manage pain following surgery is to time off. It is essential to follow the surgeon’s instructions following the procedure to avoid any complications. The healing time for wisdom tooth extraction can take 3-4 weeks. Oral and maxillofacial dentists in Indore such as Dr. Anil Chauhan will further guide you to maintain your health.

How we are the best wisdom tooth extraction hospital?

Chauhans Dental Studio is considered as one of the best dental clinic for wisdom tooth extraction hospital in Indore, having highly qualified dentists and 17+ years of experience. We are equipped with the latest technology and modern dental solutions for your treatment. Chauhans Dental Studio has cutting-edge technology and methods that meet international standards. In this COVID 19 pandemic situation, CDS has special precautions for patients so they can visit the clinic without any fear.