Dental Implant Indore

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What are Dental Implants?

For replacing a lost tooth or teeth, dental implants are by far the most common and best option. They have had a significant impact on dentistry in the last quarter-century or so.

A dental implant is a titanium post that is surgically implanted beneath the gum line into the jawbone to act as a tooth root.

Dental implant in Indore is perfectly done by Chauhans Dental Studio.

Types of Dental Implants?

Dental implants are metal devices that are surgically attached to the jawbone beneath the gums and used to support prosthetic teeth. Osseointegration is the process through which metal implants get attached to your bone (the bone fuses to the metal). This procedure offers a steady foundation on which you may rely when eating and speaking.

Endosteal and subperiosteal implants are the two primary types of implants recommended by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. The optimal implant procedure for you is determined by the size, shape, and condition of your jawbone. Your dentist will be able to provide the best recommendation for you.

Endosteal implants

Endosteal implants are titanium cylinders (screws) or blades (broad, flat metal) surgically implanted into your jawbone where missing teeth are located. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, they are the most often used implants.

Before putting an abutment into the screw or blade, surgeons usually wait 4-6 weeks for your bone to Osseo integrate with the implant. That may seem like a long time to wait, but don’t panic — you may continue to eat, drink, and converse normally throughout this period.

Subperiosteal implants

Subperiosteal implants are placed on top of the jawbone and behind the gums. They bond to your jawbone over time through osseointegration. There are a few reasons why your dentist would prescribe them over endosteal implants, which are more often utilized. You may have bone loss in your jaw, or the form or condition of your jaw may prevent endosteal implants from being inserted surgically.

If subperiosteal implants are determined to be the best option for you, your oral surgeon will conduct two operations. Your gum line will be split open around the tooth loss location during the initial operation so that a mould of your jawbone may be produced. Sutures will be utilized to seal the incision until the implant is put on the bone in the second operation.


Are You a Candidate For Dental Implants

A person who is in good general and oral health is a suitable candidate for a dental implant. To support the implant, you’ll need enough bone in your jaw, and the best candidates will have healthy gum tissues that are free of periodontal disease.


Dental implant procedure

There are several phases to placing a dental implant. The following is a list of them:

Placing The Implant

The implant implantation operation may be made safe and pain-free thanks to advanced dentistry methods. Patients who are nervous about having a dental implant installed might request sedation from their dentist.

The process begins with the preparation of the jawbone, followed by a cutting to expose the bone for drilling holes by the surgeon. The holes are kept deep enough to allow the implant to be correctly installed and implanted deep into the bone, similar to the root.

In cases when the bone is weak or unable to sustain implant surgery, the doctor may recommend bone grafting. After that, the surgeon waits for the jawbone to heal before inserting the metal post.

The entire procedure, from beginning to end, might take several months, with the majority of that time spent recuperating and waiting for new bone to develop in the jaw.

After that, the patient is given a temporary crown, which is used to cover the gap and provide the desired cosmetic result. This crown may be removed for implant surgery, however it must be done when the bone has fully healed.


The jawbone will develop and connect with the surface of the dental implant throughout this phase. This procedure, also known as osseointegration, aids in providing a strong foundation for the new artificial tooth, just like roots provide for real teeth.

Depending on the quality and form of the bones, this procedure might take anywhere from 3 to 6 months. When patients have adequate bone structure, however, the surgery can be done in one day.

The second operation can then be scheduled, but only after the implants have merged with the bone. An x-ray will be taken by your dentists to determine whether the implant is suitable for the second operation.

Abutment Placement

It’s possible that you’ll need another surgery to implant the abutment, but only when you’ve fully recovered. This operation is generally performed under anesthesia in an outpatient environment.

The dentist will reopen the incision to connect the abutment to the dental implant during the operation. For 4 to 6 weeks, a temporary crown will be used to allow the gums around the abutment to recover. This type of crown is softer, which can help to cushion the implant and stress the soft tissues, which can aid in the healing process.

Placement Of Permanent Crown

The dentist will work on making the permanent crown seem exactly like your natural teeth in the following step. The surface texture, color, and anatomy will all be adjusted to mix in with the surrounding teeth.

To construct the crown, impressions of your mouth and remaining teeth are obtained. This allows a realistic-looking artificial tooth to be created. The crown, on the other hand, will not be put until the jawbone is sufficiently robust to support the new tooth.

Making a permanent crown, which will be glued or fastened to the Implant, takes less than 2 to 3 weeks.


Dental implant care

  • Replace your toothbrush every two to three months to avoid damaging your teeth and gums with frayed or worn-out bristles.
  • Brush softly and thoroughly, but not too aggressively, since this may create abrasion.
  • Flossing at least once a day helps maintain implants in good condition by removing plaque, germs, and foods stuck between the teeth.
  • To keep your dental health in check, use mouth rinses once a day after meals.
  • Sticky foods should be avoided since, due to their artificial nature, implants might draw more germs than natural teeth.
  • Eating and drinking properly may help your implants stay out of harm’s way, and proper dental hygiene can help them last a lifetime.

After the implant has been placed, the dentist will place a crown on top of it to give it the look of a real tooth. Tooth implants not only appear and feel like real teeth, but they also work like them.

The replacement of lost teeth has been revolutionized by dental implants, offering patients an option that is stable, permanent, and supports long-term dental health. Dental implants have continued to evolve and can be used to replace one or more missing teeth, stabilizing a denture or dental bridge for the restoration of a beautiful, natural-looking, and functional smile.

Chauhans Dental Studio has years of experience and advanced training in the placement of all types of dental implants. Our expertise and skillful artistry have helped many patients get back their smiles and confidence after the dental implants procedure in central India, Indore.

dental implant treatment


Full Implant Services in Indore

CDS provides the convenience of full dental services for the placement of your implants. Dr. Anil can ensure consistency of care, and monitor all phases of your treatment and recovery. The best choice for dental implants in Indore.


Why Choose Dental Implants Over Other Options?

When it comes to tooth replacement, there are many factors to take into consideration before recommending the best option for your smile:

  • Your overall health
  • Cosmetic goals
  • Condition of your oral health
  • The bone structure in the jaw

Dental implants are typically more costly upfront when compared to more traditional options, but most patients agree that the long-term benefits and lack of required daily maintenance outweigh these costs. They offer several key benefits for your long term dental health and daily quality of life:

  • Reduces bone loss and shrinkage in the jaw bone
  • Allows you to enjoy a varied, healthy diet without restriction
  • Enables normal speech
  • No need for daily maintenance and adhesives
  • No fear of your teeth “falling out”

Dr. Anil will discuss all possible options for tooth replacement during your consultation and work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that will restore natural function and a stable smile. Replace one or more missing teeth, including an entire arch of teeth using a process. There are several types of dental implants, depending on your specific needs, all of which can be placed in the comfort of our Dental Clinic.


Dental implant cost in Indore

Dental implant involves multiple procedures hence cost varies from case to case. But we assure that we provide the best dental implant in Indore. At ChauhanS dental tudio, dental implant treatment is completely safe.If you are searching on “dental implant cost in Indore” we provide reasonable cost for dental implant you can call us to know more or book an appointment:


How we are the best dental implant surgeons in Indore

Are you searching for the “best teeth implant dentist near me” or “dental implant surgeons near me”? ChauhanS dental tudio is one of the best dental implant clinics in Indore, having 17+ years of experience. We are equipped with the latest technology and modern dental solutions for your treatment. ChauhanS dental tudio has cutting-edge technology and methods that meet international standards. In this COVID 19 pandemic situation, CDS has special precautions for patients so they can visit the clinic without any fear.

Mostly anyone qualifies for clear aligners but it is best suited for patients with mild to moderate misalignment issues. Younger patients have a greater success rate with Invisalign because their teeth are still growing and shift more easily.

If proper care is taken like brushing twice a day using mouthwash and floss then the result is visible within the first month. This treatment can be completed in 1.5 years. However, this heavily depends on the condition of the teeth as well as other treatment factors. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Invisalign is extremely effective as long as the aligners are worn correctly, and can often give faster results than braces. They’re barely noticeable, and there are no restrictions on what you can eat, either. But braces are highly efficient, too, and suitable for all ages.

yes they are removable.

Soak your aligners in Invisalign cleaning crystals or denture/retainer cleaner. Brush and floss your teeth before reinserting your aligners. Brush your aligners gently as brushing too hard can cause visible scratches. Try cleaning them with clear anti-bacterial soap.

Both adults and teens are potential candidates for Invisalign clear aligners. But because their teeth are still developing, children are not candidates for Invisalign.